Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Froad Rage

I am a serial killer. On my way home from work last night I must have killed a thousand fucking froads (translation: frogs and toads. I couldn't tell which they really were.) It was unavoidable. They were everywhere. It was like live-action "Frogger." I felt bad, but what was I supposed to do? So aside from the mass frogicide, yesterday was way better than I thought it would be. It rained and rained and rained some more, but it was actually pretty relaxing. The fog rolling through the canyons was beautiful and amazing and we all know my thing for thunder and lightning. I didn't obssess over Colin or Adam or anything. That was good. I also decided to stop stressing over shit I can't control. Colin died. I miss him, but it wasn't my fault. I had no control over that. Adam doesn't trust me. Nothing I can do or say is going to change his mind. Being the control freak that I am, I want to be able to just snap my fingers and make everything better, even though I know I can't. I need to just keep reminding myself of that. For once, this was not my fault. I didn't do anything to fuck this up. Adam might tell a different story, but I can't (and won't) make myself crazy over this. He doesn't deserve me if he's not willing to trust me... Today was good. Kinda hectic, but good. I've got a project I'm working on with S-boy so I got to hang out with him a bit this afternoon. He really is a good guy and he's a lot of fun. He's also smart and ambitious and doesn't take shit from anybody. He knows what he wants and has a very definite plan on how to get where he wants to go. I admire him for that... Not sure what the rest of the week has in store for me. I really do want to start working on my script again. I've been off track for several weeks now. I plan to get at least a few scenes written on my western this weekend. The funk I went through last weekend should actually help. It will give me some emotional energy to feed upon and that always helps my writing... I still have some movie reviews to post, I'll try and get to those tomorrow...

"All men are not slimy warthogs. Some men are silly giraffes, some woebegone puppies, some insecure frogs. But if one is not careful, those slimy warthogs can ruin it for all the others." -- Cynthia Heimel

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