Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Another Tuesday

Most people seem to consider Mondays to be the worst day of the week. I'm willing to bet that if we took a poll, Monday would hands down be the winner of the "Least Favorite Day" award. I have to disagree with that. Tuesdays. Tuesdays are the days you have to watch out for. They hide behind Monday's shadow, lurking, waiting to ambush you. Then BAM! they hit you when you're not looking. Well, I'm here to bring them out into the light; to expose them for what they really are. Horrible, horrible days where meetings pile up, errands don't get run, and though they never seem to end, you still don't get anything done. So consider this your warning. Keep sharp. Be aware of the dangers. The only way to save yourself from the Tuesdays is to drink coffee, lots and lots of coffee... Oh, and watch "Scrubs," but that's Tuesday nights, which is practically Wednesday, so that doesn't really fall into the whole "Tuesdays suck" thing.

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