Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Cinematic Emotion

Why is it that all of a sudden I seem to be going to movies that put me into an existential kind of funk? Maybe I'm just entering the "blue period" of my life, you know like Picasso or something. Anyway, I saw "De-Lovely" last night. Overall, not a bad flick, but it won't be winning any awards or anything. Kevin Kline was great as usual and the music was outstanding, but the film itself can probably best be described as "disjointed." Lindy said she found it "oddly paced" and I totally agree. Well, usually Cole Porter songs tend to make me pretty happy , but that being said, this movie put me into a state of melancholy for some reason that I can't quite explain. It was short-lived and all seems right with my world by the light of day, so who knows? Maybe there was just something in the air last night...

I was low, Gabriel, low,
Mighty low, Gabriel, low,
But now that I,
Have seen the light,
I'm good by day,
And I'm good by night,
So blow, Gabriel, blow!

-- Cole Porter -- "Blow, Gabriel, Blow" from "Anything Goes"

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